
How To Prevent Mosquito Breeding In Indoor Water Plants

Photo Courtesy: Sara Monika/Paradigm Source/Getty Images

The COVID-xix pandemic has inverse the way nosotros alive our daily lives, especially when information technology comes to how and where we're spending much of our time. With many of u.s. sheltering in place equally states begin re-enforcing lockdown policies — and with wintertime's chill quickly settling in — it'due south prophylactic to say we'll be spending a lot more time indoors at abode. That means that keeping our indoor spaces feeling fresh is about to go more of import than ever. And at that place's an easy, effective way to do that: houseplants.

This ane unproblematic, easy-care addition to your living infinite can make the situation notably amend — with lasting results that, with the right TLC, will boost your mood long after the pandemic subsides. These pots of greenery not only add color, character and cheer to your home, simply they can also help to purify the air you breathe and may even reduce your stress levels. But with renewed quarantine measures in place, you lot might hesitate to run out to your local garden heart and fill a cart with fantastic flora. Fortunately, you can purchase houseplants online for user-friendly delivery right to your doorstep, keeping your new gardening endeavor as touch-free and COVID-safe as possible. Ready to become started? Cheque out 7 acme options for designing your personal jungle.

How to Care For and Select the Best Plants for Your Home

One of the interesting things about plants is that they have their own personalities — or at least their own preferences. Different plants thrive in different atmospheric condition, so it's essential to take several physical factors of your home into consideration before you lot start selecting varieties.

Photograph Courtesy: Westend61/Getty Images

Light: This is one of the most important considerations to think nigh for any plant — it's what plants become their energy from, later all. Some demand much more light than others, and you lot'll need to position them in dissimilar areas of your dwelling house to provide optimal lite conditions and so they can thrive. Look at the light requirements for a establish first before you go it dwelling house to ensure you have an advisable spot for information technology — and remember that even plants labeled as "low low-cal" yet need their fair share of effulgence.

Ventilation: Plants thrive when there's good air circulation around them — but they don't love the temperature substitution that happens when they're in drafty areas. During winter, y'all may demand to move your light-loving plants away from windows and into a spot with a full-spectrum lamp that provides the effulgence they demand without the chillier air.

Humidity: The amount of water vapor in the air also plays a role in how comfortable your found will exist. Many houseplants are from tropical or subtropical areas, so they do all-time with higher humidity levels that mimic the conditions in the regions they come from. If your plant's care requirements annotation that it prefers higher humidity levels, you can mist the leaves using a spray canteen to provide this actress moisture.

Growing Medium: What your plants abound in is as important as what they abound around. Some plants, like cactuses and succulents, like coarser, well-draining soil, while others practise well with denser potting mix. Find out which type your prospective plants adopt, and have it on manus when it's fourth dimension to repot.

Before selecting your plants, walk through your home and figure out spots for them that best provide the atmospheric condition they prefer. Once they arrive, follow their watering, fertilizing and repotting instructions. These elements can brand a big difference in how well each plant does in your dwelling.

These climbing plants are delicate and elegant, with a beautiful vining character and broad, almost heart-shaped leaves. Pothos are fairly hardy — though they adopt a relatively high level and duration of sunlight, they can tolerate low-low-cal areas.

Photo Courtesy: Hashemite kingdom of jordan Lye/Moment/Getty Images

In addition, while they like moist soil rather than wet or extremely dry conditions, they're tolerant of more or less water than they'd like as long as they don't go without (or with too much) for too long. These plants are prolific growers, so yous practise need to be careful that they don't become rootbound. As they abound, transplant them into larger pots every 12–xviii months if they're smaller or their roots are coming through the pot'southward drainage holes and every 2 years or and so if they're larger.

Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera Deliciosa)

If you like the look of tropical foliage and plants with a taller, less-bushy profile, Swiss cheese plants could be an platonic pick. Though the plant, which is native to Key America, doesn't feature the kind of holes you'd find in a slice of Swiss, the broad leaves are punctuated by deep wedge-shaped slices that cause the leaves to fan out.

Photo Courtesy: Kseniâ Solov'eva/EyeEm/Getty Images

Similar nigh types of Monstera plant, this diverseness can practise well in lower low-cal — merely information technology prefers brighter, indirect sunlight about of the day. It's all-time to mist this i; it's a humidity fiend, but information technology tin acclimate to typical home levels of humidity quite well if you don't retrieve to add wet at the 2-week intervals the Swiss cheese plant prefers. To keep these dramatic tropical plants healthy, programme to repot yours once a year until it reaches the size you want.

Spider Institute

If your greenish thumb is typically more on the brown and wilted side, a spider plant may be simply the type you need to get some practise with plant intendance. Information technology's highly adaptable and tolerates almost annihilation you can throw at it, whether you forget regular waterings or it'southward not situated in the brighter, more indirect sunlight it likes. In fact, spider plants are so easy to care for that, earlier long, you might find that your plant is reproducing with minimal attempt from yous, which it does by sending out grassy shoots chosen "spiderettes."

Photo Courtesy: Veena Nair/Moment/Getty Images

In one case you accept some spiderettes that are growing strongly, yous might find that you want to place spider plants in other areas of your business firm or share them with friends. Y'all can do and so by propagating them, which involves cutting the spiderettes from the primary plant and placing them, cut-side downward, in pots of soil.

Bird's Nest Fern

Ferns make a statement wherever you put them, mainly because of their substantial width and long, feathery leaves, which are called fronds. Ferns are also plants that thrive in moisture, which is why they're often seen out in the wild in the S, the Pacific Northwest and other boiling climates.

Photo Courtesy: @gardenknowhow/Twitter

Bird's nest ferns have similar growing requirements to most ferns, but they look a picayune dissimilar with total, solid leaves. The center of each institute also looks remarkably like a bird's nest. Surprisingly, these tropical beauties can do well in cooler climates, and, because they naturally grow on woods floors, they prefer filtered, indirect light. They practise love humidity, and they tend to thrive in bathrooms where the steam provides the warmth and moisture they need.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria Laurentii)

This found has solid canes of leaves that rising sturdily out of the clay. These dramatic spikes are reminiscent of snakes ready to strike, but the snake plant certainly isn't equally volatile. In fact, it's one of the elevation houseplant options when it comes to hardiness, and information technology tin can withstand almost any conditions you provide.

Photograph Courtesy: Cavan Images via Getty Images; Kseniâ Solov'eva/EyeEm/Getty Images

Despite its low maintenance requirements, information technology does do better in sure environments. It likes to become dry betwixt waterings, and the snake plant likewise prefers medium low-cal levels — but again, loftier and low low-cal levels are usually fine for this striking silhouette. It also doesn't mind air on the drier side, just it'll do almost likewise in a boiling bathroom as the bird'southward nest fern.

Heart Leaf Philodendron

With broad leaves that bend in at the tiptop, this plant easily earns its nickname. It's not only a beautiful, solidly greenish vining plant, only it's also extremely piece of cake to grow. The heart leaf philodendron is tolerant of both high and low light atmospheric condition and can hang in at that place through bouts of besides footling or too much watering. However, information technology does prefer bright shade and likes its soil to stay moist (non soggy) well-nigh of the time.

Photo Courtesy: KatKami/Moment/Getty Images

Once yous run into how y'all similar it and you get your caretaking programme set, you can easily propagate centre leaf philodendrons. As the plant grows, it sends out dangling shoots like the spider institute. You can trim them off, place them in h2o until roots sprout and plant them in well-drained soil to expand your indoor garden.


The striped leaves of this tropical establish add color and dissimilarity nigh anywhere in your home. The Lemon Surprise dracaena in particular boasts hitting, sculptural leaves in a cheerful hue, so this is an ideal choice if you lot want something more colorful — but something that doesn't flower.

Photograph Courtesy: Home Depot

This type of dracaena does well in medium to vivid — but indirect — sunlight, so you lot'll want to keep it abroad from windows and sliding glass doors on the southern and western sides of your home. However, you can hang sheer curtains to create the softer, diffused light the Lemon Surprise loves. This diverseness is particularly well-known for its air-purifying qualities, which helps keep things in your home equally fresh as possible. Keep a close eye on it, though; equally it grows larger, it could be prone to becoming rootbound. If this happens, transplant it to a larger pot with aerated soil.

How To Prevent Mosquito Breeding In Indoor Water Plants,


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